Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Barcelona, Spain

Sangria, Sun and Sailing

This morning at 7am the ship tied up to the pier in Barcelona. As the gangway was lowered tourists boiled out into Columbus Square. Here they call it Columbus Square because Columbus was actually here. There is a huge statue in his likeness with his outstretched hand pointing to the sea. Spanish is the language, Euros is the money, and history is everywhere. Back in the good ole USA we talk about the 1960’s as recent history and 860 as ancient history. In Barcelona when they say the 60’s they don’t mean the 1860’s the 1560’s or 1360’s, they mean the 60’s as in 60 AD!
The local business in Barcelona is selling souvenirs to tourists and picking their pockets. We warned everyone about the chance of having your wallet stolen but some people just don’t pay any attention. One of the KZST Cruisers brought along a big Ole fat wallet stuffed into his back pocket. On a local bus he was bumped into and instantly felt for his wallet. It was gone. He watched as the man who had snagged his wallet passed it to another man and shot out of the bus doors seconds before the doors slammed shut. The KZST Cruiser is no one to be trifled with. Unknown to the thieves, his “Wallet” contained no money and no credit cards. He had packed a cheap 2-dollar wallet with loads of baby wipes; his cash and cards were safely tucked away in his front pocket. Hey that gives a new meaning to the words “Clean get Away”!
We got onto a bus and it took us to the local train station. We jumped onto a Starbucks logo green train headed up to Monserrat. Monserrat translates roughly to Jagged Mountain and they weren’t kidding. Jagged boulder strewn cliffs jutted up for thousands of feet in every direction. At the very top is a monastery where the monks are vowed to silence so that they can hear the words of God. I guess God told them to build a huge castle and paint the gilded ceilings with fabulous works of art. As we sat in the pews of the basilica in comes a group of boys in clerical robes to sing.
Then it was off to one of the most Holy relics in Barcelona, “The Black Madonna”

Next stop France and the home of topless beaches and the Cannes film festival

Ciao Bella

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