Saturday, September 15, 2007

Dubrovnik, Croatia

Just left Dubrovnik and I had no idea what a beautiful place it was. After years of civil war Croatia is now an independent country. Probably the biggest bargain in all of Europe, it is also the most beautiful of all the ports so far. We were guests of a family that has lived in the countryside, farming olives for over 500 years. They treated us to their home made wine, crusty artisan bread, Olive oil and figs from their orchard. Then we were on our way to a little coastal town whose name I can’t’ spell or even pronounce.
We sipped Latte’s at a corner cafĂ© just inches from the most brilliant blue water in the warm afternoon sun. The water was so clear that you could see schools of fish swimming 30 feet below. If I ever get the chance to come back to Europe this is where I will return.
Before the day was over we had hopped a bus to the main town of Dubrovnik. The city is situated inside a walled fortress that goes back hundreds of years. We climbed the 400 tiny stairs to the top of the walls for a view that was breathtaking. In the US, this entire castle would never make it past any safety inspections. The stairs were about 4 feet wide, went up 100 feet and had no handrails, one slip and you fall onto the streets below. Speaking of streets, they were made of slabs of white marble, tiled together, and polished by the feet of a million visitors. Again back in the US, they would be sued by everyone who slipped and fell if the streets ever got wet.
Oh yeah, there was a man playing a guitar for money on the street corner. When he finished he carefully put away his beautiful guitar in its well worn case. I asked him where he got such a beautiful sounding instrument and he answered proudly “In America, from the city of music in Petaluma California”
On to Venice
Ciao Bella

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