Wednesday, September 19, 2007


They made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.

Today we landed in Sicily, the Church strewn City of Messina, and it was closed. Evidently every Monday the city closes and people all go home. Why? I don’t know and nobody that was still in the city seemed to care. Did the KZST cruisers represent themselves well…. Depends on what you mean by “well”. One of our passengers took his laptop into town looking for a corner café. When he found one, rich with atmosphere, he popped it open, loaded a CD into the drive and watched ”The Godfather, Part1” on the screen.
Back to the trip. Undaunted by the closing of the entire city we dropped 100 Euros and hopped into a cab. Digging our fingernails into the back of the seats, the driver rocketed up a winding 2-lane mountain path at a zillion kilometers an hour. “Don’t worry,” he said. “ I have a horn” Whew, who needs brakes or seatbelts when your driver has a horn.
We skidded to a stop in the town of Taormina. I can see why the Corleone family sent their son there in the Godfather. It is a quaint little village filled with sidewalk café’s and art shops. Old narrow cobblestone streets that wind their way through narrow alleys opening every now and then into romantic plazas. There were couples sitting at café tables sipping freshly steamed espressos and nibbling cream filled canoli. Ahh Italy! The views were spectacular. Stunning views of the Mediterranean beaches were filled with hundreds of Europeans in the skimpiest of string bikinis tanning in the afternoon sun. We turned our view a few degrees and there was the recently active volcano of Mt Etna. Just days before we arrived it blew, but there was no smoke filling the air.
We shopped, we ate, we shopped some more, and then all the women in our little group of gawking tourists decided that they should do a little shopping. Next stop … Barcelona

Ciao Bella

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