Wednesday, September 19, 2007

23rd KZST Farewell (almost) Party

We just finished the big KZST party so if my writing is a little blurry, blame it on the ice sculpture that Carnival carved especially for us. It was a massive chunk of ice with 2 tiny holes carved though its center. When you asked for an Apple Martini, Raspberry Martini, Lemon Martini or Classic Martini, they poured the booze into one of the holes at the top of the ice sculpture. The liquor would slip gracefully down the frozen slide and into a chilled glass waiting patiently underneath. Ahh now that’s a martini. The bar bill for the 1 and a half hour party was HUGE! Lets just say they made over 1200 Martinis and that didn’t include the other drinks that KZST paid for. (Note to Gordon, the owner of the radio station…. It was all a necessary business expense… really…. Just ask anyone at the party)

After the party we all went to the top deck of the ship to watch in amazement as the Captain changed his route to get us “Up Close and Personal” to an active Volcano. Stromboli! Imagine a mountain that has raised up in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea for the last few thousand years. As the sun was setting we sailed so close you could smell the sulpher from the smoke billowing out of its jagged caldera. You could hear the cracks of volcanic thunder each time a chunk of rock fell into the boiling cauldron. In the now darkened sky, under the light of a full moon rising in the background, fiery orange lava spewed into the night air.
We will try to get some photos up in the next few days but our wireless Internet connection is spotty at best.

Ciao Bella

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