Tuesday, September 11, 2007

If its Tuesday it must be ???

Sorry I'm late, but we have been having the greatest trip EVER !!! How do I start? We took over 62 planes to get all 600+ KZST Listeners to Rome. The best story from the trip to Rome was one passenger from Germany (not one from our group) had major medicals problems on the plane midway over the Atlantic. A Nurse from Sonoma County broke out the emergency medical supples, inserted an intravenous saline and kept him alive until we made it to Rome. WOW!

We arrived in Rome to discover that it was the biggest party in the history of Italy called White Night. Over a million people in the street. Every Museum open, every shop open, and every bar serving into the early hours of the morning.

Next day we hit the Vatican. What an experence!! If you have never been, the Vatican is massive and St Peters Bassilica will take your breath away. To see the Pieta , carved by Michelangelo, all you have to do is go inside St Peters. We also went underground into the tombs of the Popes. I cannot tell you how emotional the experence was.

Oh by the way... one KZST listener could be heard saying "I had too many Pepsi Cola's and need to use the Vati-Can. Ahhhh a class act.

On to the Sistine Chapel. I have read many books about the chapel and the frescoes but the real thing is so much more brillant that I could have imagined. Here's the one fact that I have to pass on that blew me away. When you go into the Chapel a guard says over and over "No Photographs!" He didnt say "No Flash".. he said "No Photos"...period. The reason--and I am not making this up--it was a Japanese company that paid for the restoration and they have the rights to sell all books and photos. To make sure that people buy the photos and books, they prevent anyone from taking pictures....Who Knew?

More tomorrow.

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